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Self Inflicted - Terrors of a Demented Mind ★★★★☆

Thrash Minister

There is a genuine surge of young bands taking a swing at the ol' Thrash Metal and this factoid makes me impossibly happy - the genre has been stagnant for so, so long.




★★★☆☆ THEMES





Self Inflicted's debut Death by Fire was surely one of my most listened albums few years ago. It was straightforward with earnest energy. Their sophomore effort Terrors from a Demented Mind is a great deal more ambitious on all vectors.

Systematically increasing the length of the songs can be a bit of a slippery slope but the fellas come out swingin'. The enthusiasm here alone could carry the load but there's also a great deal of focus and ideation where to take their sh!t musically. In great many ways this album reminds me one of my all time favourites: Death, and its evolution. Sure, some songs might feel a bit too complex for their own good, but it's precisely because of that that they're able to hit those certain markers where the magic happens.

And that's a high praise
Self Inflicted band photo
Its those dudes from Pennsylvania!

The single 'Rat Race' dropped back in November last year, and it definitely got me hyped for the upcoming album. With its tighter focus and more refined choruses, it stands out as one of the album’s more clear-cut tracks.

Self Inflicted carries a signature style which certainly doesn't shy away from surprises. From the gut-wrenching, sludging slouch of 'Brain Wash' to the relentlessness of 'Truth of Existence', their pervasive motif is to seek out chances to make a 90 degree turn when opportunities arise. Sooner than later everything will also dismantle into a maniacal shreddage.

The band's fearless approach to crafting longish, ever-evolving compositions is admirable. Every song offers its share of memorable moments and unexpected twists, though at times they arrive in a somewhat tangled and overwhelming fashion. Most importantly each piece unfolds and retains its identity through dynamic changes without feeling too forced.

Terrors from a Demented Mind sounds remarkably solid for an unsigned, self-published release. The rawness in its production isn’t a flaw so much as a badge of authenticity - it carries a certain grit that feels right at home in the world of Thrash Metal.

Their fresh roots hold tight as the beast evolves and grows

Surpassing expectations here is a testament to the power of passion for a niche and a sound that doesn't beg for mass appeal. Self Inflicted’s second album isn’t just a step up - it’s a leap in all departments from the good ol' songwriting to musicianship.

There's of course room for critique and it would be that certain moments feel friable; song structurization can feel wobbly if looking too close. While influence brings inspiration it also comes with baggage - ambition is good, though! Because without it there can be no progress.

However, an album is at its best if its thought much like a living, breathing thing of wholeness, one body, really. At some point in the songwriting process, someone should have stepped in to say: “That’ll do.” The album could have handled it - more than that, it would have thrived on it. Restraint is an art in itself, an essential ingredient in crafting a record that aims to deliver both exhilaration and lasting satisfaction.

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