Golf Corpse - Golf Corpse EP ★★★★☆
Updated: Sep 3, 2024
The self-titled EP gives you a meaty peek into what the band is all about: crushing tones in a spry pace.
The Canadian troupe embraces the brutality of Death Metal without slipping into a mindless onslaught. Here form bends to the function as the songs display characteristics beyond just crushing it; Roaming the North Course gives you an uneasy pause in the fight to survive as the undead have apparently populated our beloved greens.
In the wastelands of a post-apocalyptic world, remnants of civilization lie in ruins and the undead roam desolate golf courses. - Band page at Spotify
I mean, frack everything if we can't laugh at stuff. Then we're truly doomed.

Obviously, there's Thrash Metal within. And, Southern Hills borderlines Blackened Thrash Metal, but the band keeps the sound in shape and abstain from blasting even in the most layered melodic segments.
The band presents you a hefty fairway of gnarly riffs and slouching beat that's put together nicely. The slight languish in every instrument is delicious and wraps around the brilliant heavy vocals of Jesse Peria. He's one of the better garglers out there - even if I do suspect that the voice might be processed a tad. If not... fracking hell!
I didn't know that I needed music that combines the lofty sport of Golf and the in-your-faceness of Metal, but here we are. In a way its too bad that they've chosen the humour route, kinda, because people might indeed skip this one because the "f#ck golf!"
You really shouldn't. This is some good sh!t.
Let there be Mmmosh! ✊